Bachelor of Arts in Social Science
Degree Overview
Virginia Wesleyan University’s online bachelor’s in social science can help you put your existing credits toward completing your degree, so you can get the job you want. This flexible, affordable degree gives you a strong liberal arts foundation, and our generous credit transfer policy allows you to earn your degree faster.
Our online social science program focuses on interdisciplinary discussion and learning, and emphasizes flexibility so that you can fit your education into your already busy life. You’ll engage with highly qualified faculty on your own schedule and experience an online social science degree program with the breadth and social context you need to get the most out of your education.
This concentration allows you to complete coursework in multiple concentration areas so that you can specialize your education for your specific professional goals. Choose from concentrations in business, criminal justice, psychology and social welfare to design a degree that gives you the skills and education you need to advance your career.
Program Details
- 05/19/2025
Next Start Date - 128
Total Degree Credit Hours
- Program Length
Finish in as little as 12 months - $399
Cost Per Credit Hour
- 46
Major Credit Hours
Course Information
General Education is the component of the degree that all students share. The requirements include both a scholarly core experience and a broad array of courses from across the university. The core provides students a common sequence of courses that form a foundation for their education and that will serve them throughout their lives. The breadth requirement ensures a well-rounded education.
Eleven courses are required for the Social Science major, plus SOSCI 200 (2 credits). You'll complete one of the tracks below in its entirety, plus choose two courses from each of two additional tracks. Your adviser can help you select courses to meet the major's requirements.
Pick ONE of the following tracks:
Business Track
- MBE 201 Introductory Macroeconomics (4 credits)
- MBE 301 Principles of Management: A Project Approach (4 credits)
- MBE 316 Marketing Principles (4 credits)
- MBE 333 International Business (4 credits)
- MBE 400 Seminar in Managerial Ethics (4 credits)
Criminal Justice Track
- CJ 100 Introduction to Criminal Justice (4 credits)
- CJ 301 Criminology (4 credits)
- CJ 350 Introduction to Social Research (4 credits)
- CJ 387 Criminal Law (4 credits)
- CJ 488 Senior Capstone (4 credits)
- EDUC 225: Characteristics of the Learner (4 credits)
- EDUC 319: Content Area Reading & Writing (4 credits)
- EDUC 321: Literary Development & Assessment (4 credits)
- SPED 371: Foundations/Legal/Ethical Issues in Special Education (4 credits)
- INST 482: Issues in Education (4 credits)
- HIST 260: Historical Thinking (4 credits)
- HIST 317: History of Virginia (4 credits)
- HIST 323: Tudor England (4 credits)
- HIST 351: Topics in World History (4 credits)
- HIST 433: Globalization and Empire in American History (4 credits)
Political Science
- POLS 239: American Political Thought (4 credits)
- POLS 335: American Government (4 credits)
- POLS 343: Public Administration (4 credits)
- POLS 348: International Human Rights (4 credits)
- POLS 373: Conflict Management (4 credits)
Psychology Track
- PSY 205 Psychology and the Law (4 credits)
- PSY 313 History and Systems of Modern Psychology (4 credits)
- PSY 321 Industrial/Organizational Psychology (4 credits)
- PSY 373 Child Development (4 credits)
- PSY 388 Cognition (4 credits)
Recreation and Leisure Services – Therapy Track
- REC 207: Leadership and Management of Sport, Recreation and Leisure Services (4 credits)
- REC 406: Historical, Cultural and Professional Dimensions of Sport, Recreation and Leisure (4 credits)
- RT 311: Recreational Therapy: Mental Health Conditions (4 credits)
- RT 312: Recreational Therapy Management & Organization (4 credits)
- RT 314: Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating Recreational Therapy (4 credits)
Recreation and Leisure Services – Management Track
- REC 207: Leadership and Management of Sport, Recreation and Leisure Services
- REC 406: Historical, Cultural and Professional Dimensions of Sport, Recreation and Leisure
- SRM 340: Sport, Recreation, and Facility Management Principles
- SRM 340: Sport, Recreation, and Facility Management Principles
- Select one of the following:
- SRM 343: Administration of Campus Recreation (4 credits)
- SRM 344: Outdoor Recreation and Education (4 credits)
- SRM 345: Ropes Course and Group Facilitation Methods (4 credits)
- SRM 346: Commercial Sport and Recreation (4 credits)
- SRM 347: Fitness Instructor Training (4 credits)
- SRM 348: Maui Sea to Sky: The Impact of Adventure Travel on Culture and the Environment (4 credits)
Social Welfare Track
- SW 201 Introduction to Social Work (4 credits)
- SW 302 Legislation, Policy and Administration (4 credits)
- SW 336 Lifespan Development and Behavior (4 credits)
- SW 400 Social Work Methods With Groups (4 credits)
- SW 450 Research Methods in Social Work (4 credits)
Sociology Track
- SOC 100: Introduction to Sociology (4 credits)
- SOC 345: Foundations of Sociology (4 credits)
- SOC 350: Introduction to Social Research (4 credits)
- SOC 353: Applied Sociology (4 credits)
- SOC 488: Senior Capstone (4 credits)
SOSCI Majors must choose TWO Secondary Concentrations from the choices below:
(Secondary Concentrations must not be the same discipline as the Primary Concentration)
Requires 8 hours each at the 300/400 level from TWO of the following disciplines:
- Business
- Criminal Justice
- Education/Special Education (does not lead to Teacher Certification)
- History
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Recreation and Leisure Services
- Social Work
- Sociology
Take at least one course designated as a “research course.” This course may be taken in either
the primary or secondary concentration. Research courses include:
SW 450; HIST 314, 325, 347, 352, 353, 412, 417, 418, 426, 428, 433, 460;
INST 482; MBE 334; POLS 265; PSY 210; SOC/CJ 350; SOC 345, 351, 480.
Prerequisites or consent may be required to register for some of these courses.
Additional Required Courses:
- SOSCI 200 Integrated Learning in Social Science
- SOSCI 400 Senior Seminar: Social Science
- Social Science Electives (any level/any social science discipline)
Career Outcomes
Critical thinking skills are in high demand in business, and a social science degree from Virginia Wesleyan University can help you learn those skills. Learn to work as part of a team and to solve problems head-on.
Local Government
Sometimes those in government at the local level can have the biggest impact on the people around them. VWU’s social science degree gives you the knowledge and background you need to pursue a career in local government.
Market Research
Understanding human behavior and motives can help you understand how to help companies sell products as a market researcher. VWU’s social science degree gives you the understanding of people and society you need to perform top-notch market research.
Nonprofit Work
Nonprofit organizations need talented individuals to help further their goals. VWU’s social science degree can give you the skills required to work at a variety of nonprofit organizations.
Mental Health Support
Your understanding of human behavior and the pressures and dynamics of society can help provide a foundation for a career in mental health support. Help people deal with their issues and overcome their problems with a social science degree from VWU.
Community Outreach
Bringing communities together for the common good is one of the cornerstones of the social science field. Your VWU degree prepares you to make a difference while gaining skills for career success.
Why VWU Online

Successful Alumni
More than 90 percent of our alumni are working or in graduate school within 1 year of graduation.

Highly Qualified Faculty
90 percent of our professors have attained the highest degree in their fields.

Virginia Wesleyan University is a Yellow Ribbon school, and we have a dedicated Veterans Service Team.

Streamlined Admission
Admission decisions are made on the basis of a review of the applicant's undergraduate transcript. No SAT, ACT, or GMAT required!
How to Apply
Admission Requirements
- Complete our online application.
- Applicants who have not yet completed 12 semester hours of college work must submit an official high school transcript and SAT/ACT score, and an official college transcript from all colleges and universities previously attended. Applicants who have not taken an SAT or ACT may be admitted on the basis of an evaluation of high school coursework. Applicants who are not high school graduates may be admitted on the basis of GED test results.
- Applicants who have successfully completed 12 or more semester hours of college work must submit official college transcripts from all institutions previously attended. Generally, individuals transferring to Virginia Wesleyan must present a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher.
Financial Aid
There may be financial aid options available to you when you apply for an online program at Virginia Wesleyan University.
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